Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How To Handle Your Wedding Day With Grace & Ease!

How to Have the Best Wedding Day of Your Life

Weddings signify the beginning of a lifetime of happiness, but for the bride and groom, may come with a great deal of stress. From last minute planning to the anticipation of the future, the soon-to-be newlyweds might not be feeling as carefree as you might think.

As everything comes together and you realize that you’ll soon be dedicating your commitment and devotion for each other in front of an audience of loving well-wishers, it’s important to make the actual affair as stress-free as possible and one to remember.  Corinne is highly skilled as an officiant at creating stress-free wedding ceremonies and always recommends her attendance at the rehearsal!  You'll learn exactly where to stand, what to say when, and become familiar with the flow of the ceremony! 

The most important piece of advice for the best wedding day of your life is just to relax.  Because Corinne is also a marriage and family therapist, she knows the top techniques for managing wedding day jitters!  I know it might be easier said than done, but when the last song plays and all the guests depart, you don’t want to regret missing out because you were too absorbed in all the tiny mishaps along the way. 

So here’s a list of all the things that potentially could go wrong on your wedding day (and yes, some of these WILL happen), and a game plan to keep you cool, calm and collected all the way through.

1.     You wake up to find that the previous week’s facial did NOTHING for the fresh new pimple that appeared out of nowhere. Don’t freak out. Makeup does wonders these days, and the fabulous dress that you bought will detract from the tiny flaw on your face. Also, photoshop is AMAZING and your pictures will be none the wiser.
2.     That slight chance of rain forecast turned into highly likelihood of rain, and your wedding’s outside. Did you know that rain on your wedding day is a sign of fertility? Old wives tale? I think not! Count it as a blessing and instruct your maid of honor to call the venue and put their plan B into action. First of all, that’s your maid’s job (they don’t call them maid’s for nothing!) and second of all, you don’t have time to be dealing or worrying about that stuff.
3.     Your altered wedding dress isn’t fitting quite as right as it did in the store when you went for your last fitting. If it’s too snug, tell your maid to get you a girdle at the nearest clothing store. If it’s too loose, put your wedding party to work with those clothespins. Trust me, your dress WILL fit and it WILL look fabulous.
4.     You’re late to your own wedding because you were getting pampered to look amazing. Don’t apologize! Nobody will be starting without you, and wasn’t it Audrey Hepburn that said, “Fashionably late is the ONLY way to go?”
5.     You’re at the alter with the love of your life, hand-in-hand, and you forget your vows. Don’t panic. I promise you that whatever comes out of your mouth- whether it’s a river of tears or nothing pronounceable- will still make every guest think it’s the most romantic thing they’ve ever heard. So just say what comes to mind and don’t sweat it.
6.     You did it! You said I do! And now all you want is to have a drink with your new spouse and eat (because you just realized how ravishingly hungry you are due to not eating a morsel of food all day). But you still have pictures to get through. Tell a bridesmaid to meet up with you while they scour the hors d’oeuvres section and bring some glasses of champagne back for you and your honey. Make the photographs fun!
7.     Some of your guests are already sloshed and making their speeches embarrassingly long and boring to say the least. Ding your champagne glass loudly and politely say thanks while moving on to the next speech. You want to get this dance party started!
8.     The deejay is playing every song you warned them NOT to play, and the Macarena is making you want to scream. Stop and look around. You might not love the jam, but just about every one of your guests is on the dance floor. Live it up with them and learn the dance, even if it’s the last time you will ever partake. You’ll be the star on the dance floor, so live it up.
9.     You throw the bouquet to a married gal who didn’t get the “single ladies only” memo. It’s ok, because that one IS an old wives tale.
10. The night comes to a close with all the guests saying their goodbyes, and you realize you weren’t able to get to every guest throughout the night. Mention it in the thank you cards, and be overly gracious about their attendance. Trust me, they’ll understand and won’t hold it against you.

Here’s one last thing to remember. As you depart as a newly married couple, just remember that it was all worth it. Because even if you do end up sweating the small stuff, you’ll still look back and say that it was the best day of your life. It will be one of the most beautiful memories that you’ll have with your partner and you’ll talk about it for years to come. Revel in it, relax, take things in stride and enjoy every single minute. Because those minutes will feel like nanoseconds in comparison.


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